Friday 19 September 2014

2014 General Election: Chris Trotter's Prediction

Your vote is your voice  - use it and be heard!
National: 43.5%
Labour: 27.4%
Greens: 13.5%
NZ First: 8.0%
Conservative Party 4.0%
Maori Party: 1.0%
Internet-Mana: 1.0%
Act Party: 0.5%
United Future: 0.1%
Others: 1.0%

This posting is exclusive to the Bowalley Road blogsite.


  1. but will him of the hair hold Ohariu?

  2. Love your predictions. If only... May Peter Dunne lose National's other bonus seat (i.e. extra seat gained with the loss of very few party votes to Uited Future).

  3. The Labour party vote is the decider and is anyone's guess even at this point. My suspicions are the polls are just not reflecting anywhere near what reality might end up being.

    So it could be that when all counted Labour climbs well over 30%.

    One has to stay positive.

  4. Marxists used to say parliamentary elections are like an exam paper for the working class level of political consciousness.

    One should not expect too many passing grades to be awarded in 2014 unfortunately.

    ShonKey has now been elected twice on Labour policy such as WFF with a side order of bennie bashing.

  5. My vote will be for one person only.John Minto.He for my eyes is deserving as a Kiwi,who has stood for his beleif and also humanity, that not most but a lot of Kiwi has at heart, compassion and humanity.

    On the other side Dunne,like a dogs dinner,has to be done.

  6. Nats 41%
    Labour 30%
    Greens 14%
    NZ First 7%
    Conservatives 2%
    Mana/Internet 5%
    Maori 1%
    ACT .5%
    United Future .5%

  7. well we may be on the Titanic but it would appear we are going to have to hit the iceberg before the passengers to realise theres not enough lifeboats.

  8. Confirmation Bias?

    The average of polls adjusted for Hone losing his seat was pretty close - I'm assuming National lose a seat to Greens in the specials.
