Saturday 24 December 2016

Christmas 2016

Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to all the readers and followers of Bowalley Road.


Video courtesy of YouTube

This posting is exclusive to Bowalley Road.


  1. Merry Xmas to you and yours Chris, thanks for the blog, Polly

  2. And a safe and merry Christmas to you too, Chris.

  3. Compliments of the season to everyone
    Thanks Chris Cheers David J S

  4. I've read every post on Bowalley this year. By and large it's been great stuff.

    Chris, all power to your arm.

    Merry Christmas and a kind wish for 2017.

  5. Merry Christmas Chris. Hope you have many more.

  6. All the best for 2017

  7. Chris, thanks for your blog. Always a worthwhile read.

    I hope you and your family enjoy a peaceful and merry Christmas.

    All the best.

  8. Hairy Mistress to all wandering down this country road. May 2017 bring you all well-deserved good health and happiness.

  9. Great work again Chris. Much appreciated forum. Best wishes to yourself and family.

  10. Bowalley is always a good read whether one agrees or not with the sentiments of each piece, many of us fellow humans tend to have a short term focus, when to make sense of world political affairs some knowledge of at least many hundreds of years is necessary–which you regularly provide Chris

    and do keep going, you might ‘pen’ the perfect column yet!!

    Seasonal greetings
