Monday 5 December 2016

Prime Minister John Key Resigns.

This posting is exclusive to Bowalley Road.


  1. supposing all entities formerly known as John Phillip Key have resigned–including the Prime Ministers Office, the Prime Minister, the leader of the National Party, ex Minister for NZSIS and J. Key family man–then a good pick would be something undeniable has turned up in digital communication records via OIA or a ‘source’, that confirms certain “Dirty Politics” and or “5 Eyes” allegations

    or, it could of course be health and family issues or Hawaii calling, or perhaps our glorious leader has just had enough–for a Tui!

  2. So Bill English can recommend him for a knighthood.

  3. In the absence of anything more plausible forthcoming I think your question 'WHY' is best answered by John Key himself.

    "I gave everything I had, I had nothing left in the tank".

    John Key has been a very good Prime Minister showing wisdom, calmness and good humour through his term of eight years as leader.

    I am sorry to see him go and wish him and his family all the very best for their future.

  4. NZ's John Howard..a Millennials Keith Holyoake? NZ stood still socioeconomically and even regressed. Our last vestiges of hard won independence from the Lange era cast aside as the Empires warships return. The big bill will be paid in the future when the criminal halting of Super fund contributions to pay for tax cuts for the rich bites NZ in the arse.

  5. - Haley Holt scared him off?
    - Michael Wood tipped the balance?
    - Bill English insisted on raising the pension age?
    - The victims of child abuse wore him down?
    - He is going into business with Barack Obama?

  6. Can't get his tax cuts for his Rich mates???

  7. Doing something he shouldn't oughta?

  8. I would look at what comes next out of the Panama papers , Trump draining the swamp, and Kim Dot Com's extradition proceedings.
    Cheers D J S

  9. A celeb gone Green named Hayley
    Said she’d take on ‘dear leader’ John Key
    The jolt from Ms Holt
    Made Key call a halt
    That’s the bombshell effect on page three

  10. Whatever it was, it can't have been good for him. And now National are nothing. Personality, popularism, whatever we want to call it has just left the building. With the figurehead gone, the bozos are now all back in the spotlight. Interesting times.

  11. 1. He is a globalist and as The Don shows the tide is turning.
    2. He was motivated by the challenge of becoming PM and maintaining a lead but never really achieved anything.
    3. Someone (on Kiwiblog ) said he would be a great poker player. While he has been caught out he has never flynched*, but he can't be so silly he believes his own rock-star economy hype. His only success, really was opening the borders - a libertarian goal.

    Overall there is a rock hanging by a thread over his head.

    Corrin Dann
    you don't want to get immigration down , to fall though, do you. I just got to say something. I saw you in a speech after the budget and you were in a big room of business people, now some of those were the biggest business minds of the country and you stood up and said: “don't worry about treasuries figure the estimation that it will go back to 12000, you were confident the figure was going to be a lot higher than that.

    I just think it is likely to be higher than that

    Corrin Dann
    But it's like telling them you wanted immigration to be up. You were telling them “ don't worry the demand will be there, the economies going to stay there, that's what's keeping New Zealand afloat

  12. He was an insuperable obstacle to Winston aligning with National?

  13. Come on Chris. Where are, after the WHY, the two thousand words of argument we expect from you??

  14. why?..... we only have 10 years left and he has a bucket list

  15. Having now watched him on video I think more kindly that he may be speaking the truth; the job's not fair to his family and he's made his contribution albeit I wish he hadn't.
    D J S

  16. I think he had just had enough and knew he might not win another term.

  17. I have never said anything good about Key for very good reason. Just because he is retiring does not prompt me to say anything good now.

  18. SWG Report:
    The Government’s role
    Clearly, there are serious questions to be asked about New Zealand’s economic policy and how we got into this mess. Why was it not better designed and managed, and more focussed, coordinated and strategic? Did the electorate simply get what it voted for, without realising what was really happening, or have New Zealanders not been well served over the years?
    But do we hear that in the media? Do John Campbell or RNZ ever ask what being "more confident about our place in the world" means? In tourism it means competing with foreigners for a bus park near Queenstowns Steamer Wharf or having to compete with gabling Chinese for a house. The reality is our politicians are a product of the media and the media are puppets of left-wing ideologues and rat-bags of realestate. That's why NZ needs a Brietbart. Like didymo takes over lakes and rivers the internationalist left and Flogg Off NZ has smothered community expression. Much as Antonio Gramsci would have prescribed.

  19. That's true isn't it Chris? To fight media bias you need analysts (people, time, skills) and you need infrastructure (webpages, servers administrators, $$$) and you need experts: Michael Reddell is the exception but bank economists are treated like the main character of The Firm (John Grisham) from a young age.

  20. Why not?

    Now is the perfect time for those with experience in that environment to return to the world of high finance and Wall Street with the dawning of the Trump era and the stacking of Washington with Goldman Sachs executives, corporate insiders, and predatory capitalists.

    Anyone who gets in on the ground floor of that gravy train is going to make a mint.

  21. "That's true isn't it Chris? To fight media bias you need analysts (people, time, skills) and you need infrastructure (webpages, servers administrators, $$$) and you need experts: "
    And yet, when it comes to migration you seem to be able to ignore them all.:)

  22. GS
    And yet, when it comes to migration you seem to be able to ignore them all
    Michael Reddell
    Kerry McDonald
    Don Brash
    Paul Krugman
    The Savings Working Group
    Australian Productivity Commission [our own is limited in scope]
    Julie Fry
    Paul Glass
    Bernard Hickey

  23. John Key is always making calculations. He does this incredibly well, just as he did as a money trader before entering politics. Key knows to sell stocks when they are high, and get out before there's a good chance of them going down in value. It's clear that he saw those stocks as having a good chance of falling in 2017 or soon after.

    It is likely John Key calculated that a fourth general election and even a fourth term in government had a very high chance of ending badly. Hence he has bailed out early. This is a decision that has been made on the basis of what is good for John Key, not what is good for National, let alone for New Zealand. The Prime Minister has essentially decided that it is better to go now, while on a high, rather than to go through a difficult fourth general election, which he may lose, or go into a fourth-term government that might require sharing power with, and managing, Winston Peters and New Zealand First.

    That's sort of what I said?

  24. You know what JH, I really can't be arsed replying to you any more. But I will say this – I wouldn't take Don Brash's word on anything. So if the rest of your experts are anything like him.... Surprised you didn't bring up Alex Jones actually.

  25. New Zealanders blame investors, foreigners and net migration for the housing crisis, with only 11 per cent accepting the Government's view that lack of supply is the leading cause, according to a survey by the BNZ.

    The BNZ Financial Futures survey, which polled 2000 people and was conducted by Colmar Brunton, found that 35 per cent of kiwis rated property investors as the leading cause of the crisis.

    About 25 per cent blamed either net migration or foreign investors for the overheated property market.

    BNZ chief executive Anthony Healy said he was surprised by how low the number citing supply as the key issue was.

    "I've got a very strong view that supply is the most critical issue," he said.

    The results suggested the industry and government weren't doing a good enough job of explaining the issue, he said.

    Yet how often did the media run that story? Nigel Latta's New New Zealand ran the same line. Oops! Naughty people no longer believe us!

  26. Paul Glass predicted the 2008 financial crisis

  27. Even if National loose the next election Bill English will get all the perks of an ex-prime minister.
