Friday 3 November 2017

It'll Be 100 Years Ago - On Tuesday - Since Comrade Lenin Taught The Bolshevik Band To Play. In The Meantime, Don't Miss This!

Yet another Dean Parker extravaganza! If you're in Auckland on Sunday, 5 November get along to The Thirsty Dog at 469 Karangahape Road by 2:00 pm for a truly revolutionary theatrical performance.

This posting is exclusive to Bowalley Road.

1 comment:

  1. Personally, I'd like to stay as far as possible from anything remotely resembling "what happened in Russia 1917-24". But each to his or her own.

    Reading about it from a distance, though, remains instructive.

    May I, therefore, recommend Roland Chambers' "The Last Englishman", which, as of last night, I've just finished reading.

    It's a biography of the English children's author Arthur Ransome, who was also a journalist and possible double or triple agent in revolutionary Russia, having gone there, essentially, to escape his first wife and associated domestic responsibilities.

    He ended up back in England, with Trotsky's former personal secretary as his second wife, after a hectic decade of shadow-boxing with both the Bolsheviks and the likes of Bruce Lockhart and Sydney Riley.

    It's highly readable.
