Sunday 10 January 2021

Evening On The Land (For The United States of America)

The Capitol Building, Washington DC, Wednesday, 6 January 2021.


Oh come, my little one, come.
The day is almost done.
Be at my side, behold the sight
Of evening on the land.

The life, my love, is hard
And heavy is my heart.
How should I live if you should leave
And we should be apart?

Come, let me hold you tight
Upon the edge of night.
The shadow falls and darkness calls,
The sun has sunk from sight.

The world hangs by a thread
And all the heroes fled.
Like weathered stone, we stand alone
And watch the east in dread.

Be with me in the storm
When angry gods are born.
When flesh is rent and love is spent
And bloody is the dawn.

Oh, come, my little one, come.
The day is almost done.
Be at my side, behold the sight
Of evening on the land.

Chris Trotter

This poem is exclusive to Bowalley Road.


petes new write said...

Very good Chris.

Trev1 said...

"If fascism ever comes to America, it will come in the name of liberalism", Ronald Reagan, 1975.

Guerilla Surgeon said...

"When fascism comes to America, it will be wrapped in the flag and carrying a cross.”

― James Waterman Wise, Sometimes attributed to Sinclair Lewis.

greywarbler said...

Fancy quoting Ronald Reagan with gravitas. He was a well-known raconteur.
Here is one that sounds rational for a neo liberal POV. Followed by another that indicates a certain flightiness of mind waiting for the comedy call.

Surround yourself with the best people you can find, delegate authority, and don't interfere as long as the policy you've decided upon is being carried out.
Ronald Reagan

You can tell a lot about a fellow's character by his way of eating jellybeans.
Ronald Reagan

A lot of his quotes are anti-government, pro-robust individualism, and calling on God as an authority. The USA can't afford to do that; they nailed their religious principles to a tree centuries ago, and left them there.