Thursday 18 July 2024

Dodging Bullets.

Fight! Fight! Fight! Had the assassin’s bullet found its mark and killed Donald Trump, America’s descent into widespread and murderous violence – possibly spiralling-down into civil war – would have been immediate and quite possibly irreparable. The American Republic, upon whose survival liberty and democracy continue to depend, is certainly not out of danger, not yet. But, in Butler, Pennsylvania, on Saturday, 13 July 2024, the USA also dodged a bullet.

HE’S UNSTOPPABLE NOW. The photographic images transmitted across the planet mere minutes after the attempted assassination of Donald Trump in Butler, Pennsylvania, USA, are already icons. The former President, blood on his face, raises his clenched fist above his head in a gesture of fierce defiance, as the stars-and-stripes billows theatrically behind him. Together, these elements constitute a tableau that leaves absolutely no room for doubt. Donald Trump will be the next President of the United States.

In a nation that still believes in a God that blesses America, the message taken from this deadly incident is easily intuited. Had the path of the assassin’s bullet deviated by even an inch, the Republican candidate’s head would have exploded, live, on national television. Instead, the bullet nicked his ear. Another rally-goer was not so fortunate, fatally struck by the shooter who had so very nearly killed the former President, and who, just seconds later, was shot to death by Secret Service snipers. Half of America will now be firmly convinced that the Almighty’s plans for Donald J. Trump are beyond the power of mere mortals to alter.

In the hours and days following the attempted assassination, the merest of these mortals will be the incumbent President of the United States, Joe Biden. Impressively fired-up before a hugely responsive rally of Democratic supporters in Detroit, Michigan, just 24 hours before the shooting, Biden had called Trump a “loser”. But losers do not dodge bullets. Losers do not create instant and iconic campaign posters a minute after being shot. Losers do not have the presence of mind to gesture defiantly to the crowd even as their Secret Service detail is bundling them into an armoured people-carrier. No, Donald Trump may be the person who was fired-at on 13 July 2024, but it was Joe Biden who got fired.

This shocking event has made the Democratic Party’s dilemma even more acute. The contrast between the two candidates, already skewed dangerously in Trump’s favour, is now untenable. Biden looks old. He has the tentative shuffle of the frail elderly. Deprived of his teleprompter, the look of incipient panic in his eyes is painful to observe. Overwhelmingly, politically engaged “progressive” Americans have come to the same conclusion: “We love you, Joe, but it’s time to go.” Now, they have no choice.

In the years following the American Civil War, the triumphant Republican Party won election after election by waving “the bloody flag” that flew over that unparallelled American tragedy. Over the next four months, the Republicans have only to re-play “the bloody footage” of 13 July.

At the time of writing, the full identity of the shooter and his political affiliations – if any – remain unknown. But, if the profiles of previous presidential assassins are anything to go by, then he is likely to be an embittered individual, in the play of whose life Fate has repeatedly refused to assign him a meaningful role. By killing the President, the assassin seeks to become the hero of a new and deadly drama of his own devising.

Abraham Lincoln’s assassin, the actor John Wilkes Booth, unable to win genuine renown on the battlefield, fighting for his beloved Confederacy, and, perhaps, sensing that the hated leader of the Union had already won admittance to the company of the immortals, sought vengeance, and a darkly kindred immortality, by shooting Lincoln dead with a Derringer in Ford’s theatre.

Lee Harvey Oswald was a left-wing extremist who, like so many American leftists, found his fellow citizens’ indifference to the political causes that moved him so reprehensible that he determined to punish them by taking the life of the young President so much of the nation admired and loved. Marksmanship was one of Oswald’s few personal accomplishments, and unlike Trump’s would-be assassin, he didn’t miss.

There will be many Americans who received the news of Trump’s attempted assassination without surprise. For many years now the polarisation of American society has been growing increasingly perilous. Inevitably, if enough people at the margins of political discourse become convinced that there is nothing to be gained by communicating conventionally with opponents they have come to regard as irredeemably evil, then the prospect of communicating with one’s enemies “by other means” acquires an ever-greater salience.

This is what makes the identity of the sniper seen scrabbling up the roof of the building overlooking Trump’s enclosure at the Butler agricultural showgrounds so potentially explosive. If the man shot dead by Secret Service counter-snipers turns out to be an “Antifa” (anti-fascist) extremist with an online history of violent anti-Trump rhetoric, then the baying of the Right’s attack-dogs will be deafening. Fox News will declare the entire American Left guilty by association.

In response, the Democratic Party will likely tack aggressively to starboard, leaving its “progressive” wing alone and unprotected. One-time darling of the Democratic Socialists of America, New York congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio Cortez, might find her re-election chances in free-fall. It is unlikely that political aspirants proudly asserting their radical left-wing credentials would continue to attract the same level of enthusiastic journalistic support.

But, if the assassin turns out to be a right-wing extremist, then it’s the conspiracy theorists of the Left who will go hog-wild. (What even the extreme Right would have to gain by eliminating conservative America’s most effective champion since Ronald Reagan is not exactly clear – but then, if extremists acted rationally they wouldn’t be extremists, would they?)

Certainly, it is easy to picture the nuttier sort of leftist arguing that the shooter was a fanatical anti-abortionist who believed that Trump had “gone soft” on the rights of the unborn child. Handed a rifle with defective sights by the conspirators, and told that he would be permitted to flee the scene by “God’s people”, who would then spirit him out of the country, the “patsy” assassin, having missed his target, would instantly be shot to pieces by the Secret Service. The political consequences would be pure gold for these MAGA conspirators. Trump, bloodied but unbowed, would roll on implacably to a landslide victory.

The only aspect of the assassination attempt at Butler, Pennsylvania, that lends even the tiniest skerrick of credibility to this sort of wild speculation is the undeniable fact that somebody, hauling an AR-15 automatic rifle, was able to get on the roof of a building offering a clear shot at the former President of the United States without being confronted by a heavily-armed and body-armoured “Hawkeye” from the USSS’s tactical squad. It is Close Protection 101 that all potential “sniper’s perches” must be reconnoitred, located, and neutralised. The assassin, clearly visible to multiple witnesses on the ground, should never have made it as far as the building, let alone onto the roof. The deadly attack at Butler must, therefore, constitute the most egregious failure of the US Secret Service since Dallas.

Whatever the true story turns out to be regarding the attempt on Donald Trump’s life, its most crucial element is that it was just that, an attempt. Had the assassin’s bullet found its mark and killed the “deplorables’” champion, America’s descent into widespread and murderous violence – possibly spiralling-down into civil war – would have been immediate and quite possibly irreparable. The American Republic, upon whose survival liberty and democracy continue to depend, is certainly not out of danger, not yet. But, in Butler, Pennsylvania, on Saturday, 13 July 2024, the USA also dodged a bullet.

This essay was originally posted on the website on Monday, 15 July 2024.


  1. Latest from the FBI: "He had also allegedly searched for images of Trump, President Joe Biden, Mr Wray, Attorney General Merrick B Garland and a British royal family member, and looked up the dates of Trump's public appearances."

    So far it's plausible the shooter was cut from the same cloth as John Hinckley Jr or Lynette Fromme - violent & unhinged attention seekers out for 15 minutes of fame.

    Thomas Matthew Crooks looked up photos of Trump, Biden and others before attempted assassination, FBI officials tell senators

  2. God is looking after Trump. Perhaps it was Him who yelled “Donald Duck” – but WHY?
    (Credit to Bob S.)

  3. Trump and his Maga Republicans have pretty much been responsible for the rhetoric that causes people to go off the rails in this way – though luckily he was a registered Republican. If you look at Republican political advertisements, they often feature guns, because you can't get elected in red states without stroking one in your ads. And there have been other ads with crosshairs placed on pictures of their political opponents and the like. I think there is a qualitative difference between that and what the Republicans claim is dangerous Democratic rhetoric, which simply pictures trump is an existential threat to democracy, which he certainly is.
    As far as the age question goes the mainstream media in the US is remarkably silent about Trump's age and lack of ability to speak without a teleprompter – or indeed with one on occasions. So perhaps it's not surprising that Democrats want Biden to stand down, while Republicans don't seem to mind trump being old. Although to be fair his base would vote for him anyway – he got them pretty much tied down like the cult they are. However large though that group might be, Trump doesn't have a great deal of respect amongst independent voters, and it's probably there where the election will be decided according to my sources.
    And Trump doesn't seem to have had a bump in the polls at least according to Farron Cousins who covers American politics and laws from a liberal point of view on YouTube. He might be wrong. But let's face it there have been a number of attempted assassinations of American presidential candidates who have not gone on to win the presidential race.
    Personally I find it difficult to comprehend how the religious right can support Trump through thick and thin. Apparently they are comparing him to Cyrus – who was a bad guy but helped the Jews. Considering he represents the complete antithesis of their way of life honoured more in the breach than the observance by their leaders – maybe that's why. And now they are saying it was a miracle he wasn't killed. Seems to me God would have been a bit better stopping the gunmen before he actually took the shot given someone was killed by the bullet that missed Trump. But who expects reason from religious fanatics. Certainly not me.

  4. Guerilla Surgeon, you've clearly not followed the utterings of the Democrat leadership and Hollywood leftists for the last few years. Here's a taste:

    We've had Hollywood presenting a mock-up of a decapitated Trump hate as 'comedy'. A theatre performance of an assassinated trump-like figure. We've had a TVNZ breakfast show use a trump doll for target practice

  5. Donald Trump: Stochastic Terrorist

    In case you're wondering, the US Left have been banging the drum for years now about how all the violence in the US, like George Floyd, or the 2011 Arizona shootings in 2010, is a result of the "environment" created by the US Right.

    This crap has been around for many years but it's only in the last few years that the Left crafted up the new, cool, techie-sounding phrase, Stochastic Terrorism in order to pin it on their violent enemies.

    Date: October 4, 2022
    Author: Tom Hunter
    You haven’t heard the term Stochastic terrorism?

    You will soon enough. It’s becoming a thing among the US Left.

    Stochastic refers to a modeling approach using random probability distribution to try and make predictions based on massive amounts of seemingly random data. It’s always been very much a thing in my IT world, particularly with financial markets, but as computer power has increased it’s being used in all sorts of areas.

    Including now to predict the likelihood of terrorism being spawned out of massive amounts of online speech. The theory is that although you might not be able to link any particular incident of terrorism to what is said in online platforms, including Social Media sites, you can make a stochastic prediction; with enough speech pushing certain ideas you can predict a certain number of terrorist incidents based on those ideas.

    Except when it comes to killing Trump.

  6. "Guerilla Surgeon, you've clearly not followed the utterings of the Democrat leadership and Hollywood leftists for the last few years. Here's a taste:"

    I'm a little bit late coming back but this is weak sauce. The Democrats are not responsible for what Johnny Depp says. Cathy Griffin is a comedian for Christ's sake, it was a bad taste joke, I'm sure Conservative comedians would make the same sort of joke if there were any. And of course she suffered for it because she was "cancelled". Interesting, because I didn't think conservatives believed in cancel culture.

    I really don't think anyone in the US takes any notice of the TVNZ breakfast show to be honest.

    On the other hand, here is an actual Republican politician explaining how some people need to be killed.
    and here's another.

    "Join the MAGA crew. Get a RINO hunting permit. There’s no bagging limit, no tagging limit, and it doesn’t expire until we save our country."

    Former Gov. Eric Greitens (R-MO)

    And who could forget Sarah Palen's crosshairs – which somehow they didn't think were bad.

    ""We never imagined, it never occurred to us that anybody would consider it violent."

  7. "Except when it comes to killing Trump?" He's made a lot of comments approving physical/political violence. So he was just hoist by his own petard I suspect. Funny, when we take the piss out of your reinvention of the word "woke" you get all upset.

  8. GS provide an example, if you can.
