Tuesday 20 August 2024

This One's Just For You, Chippie!


"It's Alright To Be A Redneck"

by Alan Jackson

Video courtesy of YouTube

This video was posted on the Bowalley Road blogsite on Tuesday, 20 August 2024.


  1. Well cut video. Professionally done. Fairly subtle. Makes me theink of Pharrell Williams one called 'Happy' which was also good, and I hit it a lot because it did make me happy. I think redneck-inclined people might feel the same with that one. (Happy official video) - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZbZSe6N_BXs

  2. That's just the way them rednecks are down there in Texas....

  3. And apart from psychological make up Chippie, the most progressive areas are the least diverse (Banks Peninsula votes Green). Eric Kaufmann has the data on that.

    As I was shaving this morning Chippie, I heard the Obamas at the DNC, I forgot what they were saying but to paraphrase: "a brighter future": A Jacinda Ardern future (no doubt): " having a lovely time - somewhere in the Mediterranean"; living on an Island in Hawaii next to John Key, or on a hilltop in a relocated bungalow (making way for apartments from hell). Youse, have simply captured the media and not let heretics be heard;. Youse are part of the oligoploy.

    I subsribed to the Herald ($149), just so I could read what Mathew Hootten said in response to Chris Bishops suggestion that Auckland double it's size to make everyone (including Stonewood Key) richer. Paul Spoonley (the growth spruiker) responded with:

    There is a school of thought that sees productivity gains coming from the concentration of populations and activities in a city like Auckland as size and scale increase, especially in relation to knowledge-based sectors. But various negative externalities such as traffic congestion or housing availability/affordability also need to be factored in.

    There is also a school of thought that says climate change isn't happening, is just as erudite as far as an explanation goes.

    Helen Clark and Tony Blair haven't gone away with be like Barcelona and be like Paris. Paris is a myth. These days it is full of the sort of people progressives distance themselves from; they dress at the Warehouse (or Temu); apartments are small and expensive.

    People are guided by intuitions, the sort of intuitions that saw Jacinda as the mother archetype with her lemon drink, (over Covid). In fact, she turned out to be a wolf in sheep's clothing: we will bow down to the Maori Carving and "open borders" (heretics will be thrown into the Tower of London or Asylum).
    Bottom line: the red necks know the importance of community and value living with nature just just as much as the beautiful people who love to associate themselves with it in their social media profiles.

  4. Why is it somehow that Democrats in the US always get lambasted for having money. Is it only conservatives who are allowed to be rich?

  5. It's okay to criticise rednecks as well, right?

  6. Loved this post Chris .
    I come from the rural South Island; I just have to be a red neck.
