Labour Leader, Phil Goff, waxes eloquent on the virtues of a Minimum Wage of $15.00p/hr. Visit the
SocialistAotearoa website for details of how the message that the National-led Government's 25 cent increase to the MW is nowhere near enough can be delivered to the Minister of Social Development, Paula Bennett, this weekend.
Campaign for a Living Wage Newsletter, Wednesday Feb 17th 2010
Poli,poli,poli, Politician?
Can you make a right decision?”
Key admits he couldn’t survive on the Minimum Wage!
Stories, photos, video and music from the campaign here-
You wish to further entrench the burgeoning underclass.
Any further increases will merely increase underemployment of those trying to enter the workplace.
I surmise you unionists don't care about this. So long as those that ARE in employment keep paying their union dues, it's all cool.
You refuse to learn from history. Prices go down when demand reduces, as do wage rates.
Please, keep up Chris.
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