Friday 13 October 2023

Three Angels.

I have been hard at work,” replied the Avenging Angel, “and where I have been there is no shortage of blood. I was there, above the field at Re’im when the fighters of Hamas arrived. All those revellers, so young, so beautiful, they were dancing and singing, oblivious in their joy to the horror that was advancing fast upon them.

“TELL ME WHERE YOU HAVE BEEN”, cried the Angel of Justice. “I have been seated here for hours, watching the ripple of explosions lighting up the length of Gaza, tracing the rockets’ fiery arcs across the skies of Israel, of Palestine. It is my fate to weigh the guilt of men, but in this land that is no easy task. And now you interrupt my thoughts, your raiment torn, your wings all blood be-spattered, a wild light in your eyes.”

“Indeed, I have been hard at work,” replied the Avenging Angel, “and where I have been there is no shortage of blood. I was there, above the field at Re’im when the fighters of Hamas arrived. All those revellers, so young, so beautiful, they were dancing and singing, oblivious in their joy to the horror that was advancing fast upon them.

“Where was the Angel of Pity upon that terrible field?”

“Absent. But the hot rush of my wings was there to fan the flames of retribution in the gunmen’s hearts. To blow the tinnitus of hatred into their ears. It drowned out the pleas for mercy of the young women, overwhelmed the shouts of protest from the young men. Such a ringing there was in their ears as their weapons dealt out death all around.”

“And Pity absent”, whispered the Angel of Justice.

“Oh, yes, there was no trace of Pity as they stripped, and tortured, and raped, and killed. But, I was there. How often had they called upon me, the Angel of Vengeance, to deliver their enemy into their hands? Out of the ruins of their homes, over the bodies of their brothers and sisters, as the limp forms of their infant nieces and nephews were passed down solemnly, hand-to-hand, from the mounds of rubble. Out of all that grief and rage, how could I not hear their prayers, their summons, their calls to me, the Avenging Angel?”

“And you granted them their wish,” said the Angel of Justice, casting a wrathful glance in the direction of his companion.

“I did, my friend, but only because their calls to you, for Justice, had for so long gone unanswered. And where Pity and Justice are absent, or unheeding, what is left but Vengeance?”

“Justice in Palestine? In the land of Israel? And exactly when, my friend, would you have me set that clock ticking? With Vespasian and his legions? With the destruction of the Temple? With a people dispersed to, as it says in the Hatikvah, “the ends of the East”. Shall I start the clock then – in Roman times? Or, perhaps you would have me begin with the first medieval pogrom? Or, with the greatest? With the Shoah, the Holocaust, and all that mechanised Nazi terror? If I remember rightly, Pity was also absent at Auschwitz. The Jews have reclaimed their ancient homeland because they have learned, from the bitterest experience, that they are never truly safe in anybody else’s.”

“But Palestine is somebody else’s homeland, also, my friend. The memory of the Arab is no less poignant than the memory of the Jew.”

“True enough, but when that same Arab has tried, on three occasions, to drive the Jew into the sea, it is difficult for the Jew to resist the temptation to call upon you, the Avenging Angel, to even the score. Because, as I recall, it was your swift sword that avenged the slaying of Israel’s Olympic athletes at Munich in 1972. Your wings that blew sand in the faces of the Egyptians and Syrians just one year later in the war that began on Yom Kippur.

“It is difficult, is it not, my friend, to rightly distinguish Vengeance from Justice? But – hush! What is that sound!”

The two angels’ wings lifted them high above the mountaintop, their eyes searching the cracked rocks and bare sands below for the sound’s source. While they looked, the heart-rending wailing, born of that worst of mixtures – grief and rage – throbbed louder and louder, as if to set the whole of Israel, the whole of Palestine, vibrating with its inconsolable misery.

At length, the Angels’ gaze fell upon the source of the sound. Sobbing, beneath a bare and bitter thorn tree, sat the one so many in Israel/Palestine speak of, but so very few speak to: the Angel of Peace.

This essay was originally published in The Otago Daily Times and The Greymouth Star of Friday, 13 October 2023.


David George said...

In recent days I've been struck by how people are prepared to believe almost anything so long as it fans the flames of hate (and fear and resentment) in their hearts. This from someone close to me:

"The poor people of Gaza have nothing and ..... they are continually bombarded with sophisticated weaponry - they retaliate with stones."

Obviously, even metaphorically, the attack with thousands of rockets and terrorists armed with grenade launchers and assault rifles is as far away as it's possible to get from defending yourself by throwing stones.
How could anyone come to believe otherwise?
Can there ever be peace in a world of lies?

“Life is suffering
Love is the desire to see unnecessary suffering ameliorated
Truth is the handmaiden of love
Dialogue is the pathway to truth
Humility is recognition of personal insufficiency and the willingness to learn
To learn is to die voluntarily and be born again, in great ways and small
So speech must be untrammeled
So that dialogue can take place
So that we can all humbly learn
So that truth can serve love
So that suffering can be ameliorated
So that we can all stumble forward to the Kingdom of God”

"To tell the truth is to bring the most habitable reality into Being. Truth builds edifices that can stand a thousand years. Truth feeds and clothes the poor, and makes nations wealthy and safe. Truth reduces the terrible complexity of a man to the simplicity of his word, so that he can become a partner rather than an enemy. Truth makes the past truly past, and makes the best use of the future's possibilities. Truth is the ultimate, inexhaustible natural resource. It's the light in the darkness.

See the truth. Tell the truth.”
― Jordan B. Peterson,

Archduke Piccolo said...

Gaza: Orodour writ large. We are now watching a rerun of the 'battle' (i.e. murder) of the Warsaw Ghetto, 1944.

Let us agree: Hamas is a terrorist organisation, no error. Very well. So were the French Maquis, the Partisans of Yugoslavia, the Soviet Union, Greece, Poland and others. Their purpose was the same: armed, violent resistance against an occupying power. And who called forth this armed resistance? The US is especially fond of calling out the terrorist movements - and then wondering why, having sown the seed, must deal with the weed.

So far as I know, no one condemned the criminal acts of these movements other than the equally criminal occupying power. So far as I know, the Nuremberg Trial verdicts were silent in the case. There was no case. One might be forgiven for inferring, then, that a resistance movement against an occupying power - terrorist or otherwise - can do no wrong. No one seems to be in an all-fired hurry to condemn the atrocities committed by the Ukraine government for the last nine years in the Donbass. The West is never in a mad rush to condemn atrocities committed in its behalf. After all, who is the biggest sponsor of terrorism on the planet? The United States (the second biggest: the rest of the planet combined).

The Angel of Justice might well be sitting unregarded on the sidelines, but one can't help the feeling that in any case she has long had a thumb on the scales, weighted in favour of Western - especially Fat Cattist Anglophone Western - interests. I'm not expecting anything different this time round.

Ion A. Dowman

Shane McDowall said...

The Palestinians simply refuse to face the fact that there will never be a Palestinian state. That bus left in 1949.The point was reinforced in 1967 and 1973.

Unable to defeat the Israelis in open battle, they resort to cowardly attacks on civilians and then bitch when the Israelis retaliate.

I cannot understand why the Israelis tolerate the Gaza Strip. It has been the launching pad for suicide bombers and rockets.

If I were Israel's prime minister I would drive the Palestinians out of Gaza, the West Bank and Jerusalem.

New Zealand, along with other Western democracies, should give new homes to the Christian Palestinians. The Muslim Palestinians can move to the lands of their oil-rich Muslim brothers.

David Stone said...

"Gaza: Orodour writ large. We are now watching a rerun of the 'battle' (i.e. murder) of the Warsaw Ghetto, 1944."
The kind of comparison I was just thinking.
I'm pretty sure from previous remarks from Netanyahu that he has the "final Solution"clearly in mind and for some time. This will fall into his lap so conveniently that he might have orchestrated it himself.
When a population has been as abused by an occupying power as consistently and savagely as have the Palestinians , the reaction we see today could only be prevented by denying them the means to retaliate . Which Israel thought they hd done. Acquiring the means meant that the attack from Hamas was inevitable . The final solution of complete extermination of the Palestinian people is the only way Israel will ever be at peace. but what will be the reaction of the Arab world to that? I don't think Israel can continue to exist.
I think it could have. Even with the "colonisation" of an long existing people's land by the UK and supplanting a diverse people from distant countries; the empathy the world had for the Jewish people after the Holocaust , even in Palestine , the mood was such that giving them a space seemed right. But they have so abused that gift. Unsatisfied with what they were given they have expanded in all directions usurping land from all their neighbours and subjugating their would be hosts into poverty and misery . Goaded on by their chief sponsot the US of A.

Kit Slater said...

“But Palestine is somebody else’s homeland…” Maybe, but only by Arab conquest and Islamic colonisation, unpopular concepts nowadays except for anti-Semites. As Arabs, the Palestinian people (born in 1967 thanks to the USSR’s support for the PLO Charter) were autochthonous to the Arabian Peninsula.

Zuheir Mohsen (or Zahir Muhse’in), leader of the Palestinian Arab terror group As Saiqa and member of the Palestinian Liberation Organization (PLO) Executive Committee, famously told a Trouw journalist in July 1977, “The Palestinian people does not exist. The creation of a Palestinian state is only a means for continuing our struggle against the state of Israel for our Arab unity. In reality today there is no difference between Jordanians, Palestinians, Syrians and Lebanese. Only for political and tactical reasons do we speak today about the existence of a Palestinian people, since Arab national interests demand that we posit the existence of a distinct “Palestinian people” to oppose Zionism. Yes, the existence of a separate Palestinian identity exists only for tactical reasons, Jordan, which is a sovereign state with defined borders, cannot raise claims to Haifa and Jaffa, while as a Palestinian, I can undoubtedly demand Haifa, Jaffa, Beer-Sheva and Jerusalem. However, the moment we reclaim our right to all of Palestine, we will not wait even a minute to unite Palestine and Jordan.”

Hamas’ charter, derived from its parent organisation The Muslim Brotherhood, states, "The Islamic Resistance Movement [Hamas] believes that the land of Palestine has been an Islamic Waqf throughout the generations and until the Day of Resurrection, no one can renounce it or part of it, or abandon it or part of it. There is no solution to the Palestinian problem except Jihad. The liberation of that land is an individual duty binding on all Muslims everywhere. In order to face the usurpation of Palestine by the Jews, we have no escape from rising the banner of Jihad. This would require the propagation of Islamic consciousness among the masses on all local, Arab and Islamic levels. We must spread the spirit of Jihad among the Islamic Ummah [nation], clash with the enemies and join the ranks of the Jihad fighters.

Earlier a part of Byzantium, the land was seized by Muslims in the late 7th century, later becoming part of the Ottoman Empire. Once conquered by Muslims, land is considered waqf, gifted to Allah for eternity and permanently Islamic. In a 2018 fatwa, the Palestinian mufti of Jerusalem, Sheikh Mohammed Hussein, stated "It is prohibited to give up or sell any part of Jerusalem and the land of Palestine to the [Israeli Jewish] enemy. Jerusalem is part of the public Islamic properties. Selling or giving up any part of it and any part of Palestine is illegitimate and considered an act of treason. Jerusalem and Al-Aqsa Mosque are Islamic waqf until doomsday.”

Hamas is irredeemably violent and finds succour and spiritual validation in Islam, a religion of violence, deception and supremacism, and in Islam’s telos, that of global domination.

Jason Barrier said...

Beautifully written Chris - thanks for some sanity and empathy when so much of the commentary on social media surrounding this event has the whiff of Oswald Mosely and the British fascists complaining about the Jews in the 1930s. The following interview with moderate Israeli historian Yuval Noah Harari is also well worth listening to:
His position is that this was a deliberate attempt by Hamas to derail the 'threat of peace' (Saudi agreement) because Hamas don't want 'peace' or a 'two-state solution' they only want Israel to be erased - and Israel will fall into their trap.

Guerilla Surgeon said...

"Unable to defeat the Israelis in open battle, they resort to cowardly attacks on civilians and then bitch when the Israelis retaliate."

Israeli settlers harass, bully and in fact murder about 200 Palestinians a year in the West Bank without much in the way of consequences. So perhaps we should rethink the whole idea of "retaliation".

Guerilla Surgeon said...

"See the truth. Tell the truth.”

Jordan Peterson wouldn't know the truth if it bit him in the bum. His whole career as a public intellectual is based on a big lie.

Guerilla Surgeon said...

Yuval Noah Harari also said this about the government of Israel.

“governed by a populist strongman … who is a public-relations genius but an incompetent prime minister. He has repeatedly preferred his personal interests over the national interest and has built his career on dividing the nation against itself. He has appointed people to key positions based on loyalty more than qualifications, took credit for every success while never taking responsibility for failures, and seemed to give little importance to either telling or hearing the truth.
The coalition [he] established has been by far the worst. It is an alliance of messianic zealots and shameless opportunists, who ignored [the nation’s] many problems — including the deteriorating security situation — and focused instead on grabbing unlimited power for themselves. In pursuit of this goal, they adopted extremely divisive policies, spread outrageous conspiracy theories about state institutions that oppose their policies, and labeled the country’s serving elites as “deep state” traitors.”

Guerilla Surgeon said...

"“But Palestine is somebody else’s homeland…” Maybe, but only by Arab conquest and Islamic colonisation, unpopular concepts nowadays except for anti-Semites. As Arabs, the Palestinian people (born in 1967 thanks to the USSR’s support for the PLO Charter) were autochthonous to the Arabian Peninsula."

Pseudo-history. Not only pseudo-history because Arabs had been there at least as long as Jews, but irrelevant. You can't conflate Arabs and Muslims. You can't delegitimise Palestinian nationalism just because it arose as a result of or alongside Zionism. And you can't – well you shouldn't but you do seem to – label anyone who supports a Palestinian homeland as an anti-Semite.
After all, your ancestors don't have very deep roots in this country I imagine – yet you claim a right to live here.
I learned long ago on the old Huffington post that that accusation is simply a way of trying to shut down the debate. I do believe that Israeli governments have embraced this. It's an extremely bad faith argument.

Shane McDowall said...

Palestinians, and their Arab 'brothers' are not capable of defeating the Israelis in open battle.

My evidence is 1948, 1967, 1973. All open battles, and all humiliating defeats for the Arabs.

If the definition of madness is trying the same thing and expecting a different result, then the Palestinians are clearly mad.

Would you like it if the Maori Liberation Organisation started sending suicide bombers into the Wellington CBD? Would you like the M.L.O. firing rockets into Wellington's CBD from Wainuiomata Strip?

Instead of trading insults, I want to ask you a serious question, and I would appreciate a serious answer.

Where is the Palestinian nation state going to be located? Israel is half the size of Canterbury. Either there can be an Israel, or there can be a Palestine.

I have seen the map of how the UN decided to divide up the Palestine Mandate into Jewish and Palestinian areas. It does not look like a country, it looks like a collection of Amerindian reservations.

Seriously, GS, where is Palestine going to go?

Anonymous said...

Go debate him. Peterson would destroy you

Shane McDowall said...


I forgot to ask, these about 200 Palestinians murdered in the West Bank by Israeli settlers each year, what were they doing at the time of their deaths ?

Playing canasta ?

Guerilla Surgeon said...

Unlike you Shane, they probably haven't got the time to play canasta. You might like to mention to David that the settlers were celebrating after killing Palestinians as well. I honestly can't be bothered any more.

Well anonymous, Peterson himself has been "destroyed" at least a couple of times in debates. Once by an Australian comedian of all people. Perhaps you should get out of your bubble and watch some YouTubes. He's also been "destroyed" in print by any number of people who know what they are talking about, including about lobsters. He's now taken to avoiding debating people he knows can "destroy" him.

John Hurley said...

I see Damien O'Connor jumps on the bandwagon, condemning Israel.
I mean, all those stories about state house tenants and the neighbors?

Shane McDowall said...


So the short answer is : "No Shane, I can not tell you where a Palestinian state can be squeezed into an area half the size of Canterbury, that is already occupied by Israel".

I have been asking supporters of the Palestinian cause where Palestine will go for at least 30 years.

I have yet to get an answer, because there is nowhere for Palestine to go.

Thank you for confirming that I am, as usual, right.