Friday 6 March 2015

Bitter-Sweet - "Mandolin Orange"


IF YOU HAVEN'T HEARD them before, this is to introduce you to Mandolin Orange. Hailing from the backwoods of North Carolina, Andrew Marlin (guitar and mandolin) and Emily Frantz (violin and guitar) offer yet more evidence of the growing strength of the Americana genre. The hugely talented duo sing about the past and present of the American South with that bitter-sweet mixture of longing and fulfilment that characterises so many of the genre's folk, bluegrass and alt-country blendings. Enjoy.

Video courtesy of YouTube.

This posting is exclusive to the Bowalley Road blogsite.


David Stone said...

Hi Chris
Thats choice
Have you checked out Tiny Ruins?
Cheers David J S

Brewerstroupe said...

Nice stuff. Here's what happens when bluegrass meets yacht-rock meets New York. My daughter turned me on to Zac Brown and I'm impressed. This is the full concert video, very worth-while if you've got the bandwidth.