Not What Simon Says, But How He Says It: From those who decried the Greens' attack ad ridiculing Opposition Leader Simon Bridges' accent, the challenge was as brutal as it was simple: Would the Greens’ campaign team have produced an attack ad making fun of a National Party MP from China or India who spoke English with a pronounced accent?
“CLASSIST BULLSHIT!”, was the tweeted response of one Green
Party supporter. It was a sentiment shared by enough of the Greens electoral
base to convince James Shaw to act. Within hours of the Green Party’s
anti-National attack ad going up, it was taken down. Mocking the Leader of the
Opposition’s broad Kiwi accent was unacceptable – even in the cause of fighting
Climate Change.
On the face of it, the reaction of the Greens’ support base
is a welcome confirmation that it still believes the Greens should keep well
away from “dirty politics”. Attack advertising, according to these principled
folk, is a foul form of political communication, best left to the hack parties
of the centre-left and right.
From those who decried the ad, the challenge is as brutal as
it is simple: Would the Greens’ campaign team have produced an attack ad making
fun of a National Party MP from China or India who spoke English with a
pronounced accent?
We all know the answer to that. To even suggest releasing an
ad built around such an obvious racial slur would be a sacking offence in the
2019 Green Party apparatus. But, if using race in your party’s propaganda is
utterly verboten, why is it permissible to use class? What does it say
about the people who produced and approved the offending Green Party ad, that
the decision to satirise Simon Bridges’ working-class accent set off no
Is it because making fun of the cultural markers of
working-class people is still not seen as an act of unforgiveable prejudice?
And, if that is true, then why is it true? Drawing attention to the cultural
markers of non-white ethnicity – especially for the purposes of ridicule – was
long ago, and quite correctly, deemed racist. Why aren’t the injuries of class
similarly condemned?
Answering that question leads us straight down a very deep,
and very strange, rabbit-hole.
Twenty-first century New Zealanders are constantly
reassuring themselves that their society is a meritocracy. If they apply
themselves and acquire the right skills, then there is nothing to prevent them
from rising to the very top of the social totem pole. By the same token: if
they refuse to work hard and improve themselves, then they cannot expect to
rise very high at all. Indeed, laziness and a lack of self-discipline can cause
a person to fall deeper and deeper into material and moral poverty. The logic
of meritocracy is unforgiving. If you have risen high in society, it’s because
you have merit. If you have failed to rise, or, worse still, fallen, it’s
because you lack merit. In a meritocracy, success and failure are both
self-inflicted conditions.
Small wonder that meritocracy and neoliberalism have become
inseparable. If people’s misfortunes are self-inflicted, then the state’s only
responsibility towards the poor and marginalised is to provide them with the
minimum sustenance required to prevent them from disturbing the peace (and/or
threatening the property) of their more diligent neighbours. That word
“minimum” is important. If the state were to become excessively generous, then
meritorious behaviour would cease to be its own reward, and meritocracy, as a
system for rewarding human striving, would collapse.
Accent, as the playwright George Bernard Shaw pointed out,
plays a crucial role in identifying merit. In the words of Professor Higgins in
The English have no respect for their language, and will
not teach their children to speak it. They cannot spell it because they have
nothing to spell it with but an old foreign alphabet of which only the
consonants – and not all of them – have any agreed speech value. Consequently
no man can teach himself what it should sound like from reading it; and it is
impossible for an Englishman to open his mouth without making some other Englishman
despise him.
In twenty-first century politics accent has become an
indispensable marker of merit. Far more than was the case in the nineteenth and
twentieth centuries, how we speak confers upon us the right to speak. In the
early decades of the democratic age, the humbug of meritocracy was not yet in
evidence. (Although its religious progenitor, Protestantism, certainly played
an analogous role in justifying the ways of the rich to the poor.) The poor,
themselves, were in no doubt as to why they lived such harsh lives. It was
because the rich forced them to. In the heroic phase of democracy, it was
certainly no disgrace for a working-class politician to address his followers
in the accents of their common condition.
In democracy’s decadent phase, however, these class markers
serve a less positive function. A working-class person who has succeeded in the
fields of entertainment, sport and (certain types of) business may retain his
or her accent without incurring too much social disdain. But a politician who
refuses to speak in the accents of someone deserving of respect, should not
expect to get very much of it. It is no accident that the two most successful
populists of the English-speaking world, Donald Trump and Boris Johnson, both
speak in the accents of the ruling-class. How they speak to their
followers tells them as much about their heroes as what they say –
perhaps more.
In the crudest possible terms: losers do not want to be
wooed by losers; they want to be seduced by someone in the accents of a winner.
That’s why so many middle-class people are happy to make fun
of Simon Bridges accent. His failure to teach himself how to speak “properly”
is seen as a failure to appreciate what is required of someone aspiring to the
office of prime minister. Someone born in China or India who has, nevertheless,
mastered the language of their adopted country is, by contrast, seen as a
person to be admired. Making fun of their accent represents a failure to
recognise their true merit. It is the behaviour of someone who does not
understand how twenty-first century meritocracy works; someone still mired in
the nineteenth and twentieth century fallacy that ethnicity, in and of itself,
confers merit. Yesterday’s ideology, for yesterday’s failures.
Neoliberalism cares nothing for the markers of ethnicity,
gender or sexuality. What it values is the individual who understands not only
the importance of rising up the socio-economic ladder, but also the importance
of “making it” in the right way. The meritocratic winners can be black or
white, male or female, gay or straight: no one cares. But, those aspiring to
membership of the global elite who fail to grasp the importance of thinking in
the right way, dressing in the right way, and yes, speaking in the right way,
will soon discover that being laughed at and ridiculed are the least of their
While capitalism endures, it will always be open season on
the working class – even its accent. “Classist bullshit” it may be – but it
This essay was originally posted on The Daily Blog
of Thursday, 25 July 2019.
"Neoliberalism cares nothing for the markers of ethnicity, gender or sexuality. "
Beyond wrong. Neoliberalism as a "philosophy" can't care for anything. But neoliberals on the other hand definitely do. Just take one example, after how many years of neoliberal governments have we had at the moment? Since nineteen eighty-four? How come women is wages are still way behind men's? How come there are so few women on boards? It's all pretense, and subordinate to the old boys' club.
Further to that because accidentally clicked the button, if neoliberals didn't care about race, why was there such a visceral hatred of President Obama? Or Hillary Clinton? Why did they elect Boris Johnson as the British Prime Minister or Donald Trump as the American president? How many people of colour has Trump had in his cabinet?
At present, neoliberalism is a klown kar, and now we have one that drives on the left as well as on the right.
"Mocking the Leader of the Opposition’s broad Kiwi accent was unacceptable – even in the cause of fighting Climate Change."
But... But... Free speech!
Mock away Greens.
People are getting fed up with your hate filled racist dog whistling (colonists to describe folk born here?) elitist lecturing, climate change hysteria and your (highly selective) righteous indignation
George Orwell:
"I never read the proclamations of generals before battle, the speeches of flihrers and prime ministers, the solidarity songs of public schools and left-wing political parties, national anthems, Temperance tracts, papal encyclicals and sermons against gambling and contraception, without seeming to hear in the background a chorus of raspberries from all the millions of common men to whom these high sentiments make no appeal."
A very interesting article which touches on this issue from Toby Young on the new British PM.
"Wot about Oly oaks plum n da froat den den Moledoon, bluddy provokadiv fukker he waz......"
Oh God, a panegyric to Boris Johnson. I haven't laughed so much in years. It is definitely interesting.
The writer seems however to have completely forgotten the fact that:
1.Boris organised to get a journalist beat up. Only to the point of broken limbs I guess.
2. His broken more promises than Donald Trump, I could list them but there is a word limit.
3. He was sacked by the Times for making shit up.
4. Max Hastings, his ex-boss who is by no means a Communist, considers him unfit to be prime minister.
5. When he was Foreign Minister he managed to insult much of the Commonwealth – the bit that wasn't white – of course many people consider this a feature rather than a bug, but he also managed to get some poor incarcerated in Iran's jail term increased by making stupid statements.
6. He wasted 37 million pounds on a bridge that was never built – a vanity project and not the only one.
I could easily increase the size of this list but I won't bother. All I can say is that it's a sad reflection on British society in general and the Tory party in particular that
they will elect someone to public office who has a total lack of ethics. And I'm not just talking about the fact that he can't keep his Johnson where it belongs, but he has nothing in the way of broader ethical behaviour which you should look for in a politician. I think the best one word description I came across was "mountebank". Well it was the politest anyway. He's another one of these spurious men of the people, privileged and entitled who pretends to drink pints of beer and deliberately messes his hair before he presents himself for an interview – a complete fraud, and the Conservative party should be ashamed of themselves for electing such.If I had some animus towards the Brits, this is a very prime minister I would wish on them. But still, he does provide me with some innocent amusement.
If you are seeking amusement you will get lasting pleasure from Albert and the Lion recited by Stanley Holloway. Just think of Boris being Albert and the pleasure will be doubled.
So its play the game not the player,please their have been many playing the player,Muldoon was a master of character assasination,what he say about one of the most likable lABOUR ever Bill Rowiling,a shiver looking for a spine.Neolibralism is a capitalist exploit looking for a victim. See the Nats,having their confrence,shall the blood of their leader be shed,doubt,probable left for not so a unity gatherings,not to sully the buzz.Yet their leader the Quare fellow, is foot stepping every day forward to the scaffold of not doubt but knowing leadership drop,no matter his fellow travlers say.
So you are defending the way Simon Bridges speaks.
That is odd.
In your 4 October, 2018 post titled "National's Little-Boy-Lost" you made reference to his "appalling diction".
You were right, his diction is appalling. So too the diction of Greymouth mayor Tony Kokshoorn.
Mr Bridges accent is an affectation and he can change it.
I have met plenty of Poms from the north of England who sound like they are from the Home Counties.
Both Mick Jagger and violinist Kennedy have used fake Cockney accents.
If Poms can change their accents so too can Kiwis.
If you enjoyed Albert and the Lion or felt terribly miserable - you will be overjoyed to hear how He Came Back. And just when Ma and Pa were going to collect on the insurance too. It could turn out like that in Britain; just when the Don Insurance Coy slips a brown plastic bag to the Cons. the true UK will rise again, and save the day. Now kiddies, wasn't that a lovely story. And to help you smile again there are a lot of old fashioned cheeky postcards wot the yeomen of England used to enjoy back in their days of innocence and simplicity.
Funny no mention of our speech impaired PM.
But it is the content of speech that is more important of course. Fail there for the poor child. She only ever speaks in cliché and platitudes. She is truly without substance. A façade. And personally, I think most unattractive. Again irrelevant but so often brought up by her fans.. 'Oh she so so pretty ..' Nah.
No GS you really miss the point when it comes to liberalism. I know you cannot believe it but we do not give a shit for your group identity. We solely judge you on your individual merit and character. Just as Chris says. Merit trumps all, as in nature. We are animals after all.
So in the wild, your survival would seriously be in doubt.
Thank our excellent J-C culture for your life mate.
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