Saturday 9 March 2013

To The Memory of Hugo Chavez: Pete Seeger Sings "Guantanamera"

Con los pobres de la tierra
Quiero yo mi suerte echar
El arroyo de la sierra 
Me complace mas que el mar. 
With the poor people of this earth I want to share my fate. The stream of the mountain pleases me more than the sea.

- Jose Marti.
Hugo Chavez  1954 - 2013

This posting is exclusive to the Bowalley Road blogsite.


The Flying Tortoise said...


Unknown said...

Chris, I am an entrenched "righty", however I truely appreciate your open honest views on most issues. Keep up the work, it is much appreciated.... cheers

Anonymous said...

You should try to live here n Venezuela a year and realize how nice is to be poor thanks to the venezuelan Revolution, shot by criminals, unable to find food, medicines or good hospitals